
Blog Categories

Breastfeeding Challenges: Tongue Tie

Breastfeeding is a deeply personal journey, giving a mother the ability to nourish her baby and experience a beautiful bonding experience. Sometimes challenges like a tongue tie can affect your baby’s latch and cause you pain and discomfort. Seeking timely professional advice and treatment can transform your journey, ensuring successful breastfeeding. You’re not alone, mama.


Understanding Awake Times – a piece of the puzzle

Welcome to the crazy & unpredictable world of understanding your little one’s sleep! Just like the crazy, complicated & somewhat unpredictable world of toilet training, understanding how our bodies sleep (and more specifically, how our little one’s bodies sleep) is essential to thriving in parenthood. I truly believe, simply understanding the science means that we have the opportunity to embrace the ebb and flow of life, strengthen our resilience and flourish in the unpredictable. Learning the intricate balance of a little one who is under-tired and one who is overtired is an important piece to the puzzle of our lives. My aim is to arm you with information that will help you pick up that piece of the puzzle and find the spot where it fits on your parenthood journey. You and I are a team, and together with my knowledge as an RN, NICU nurse and as mama of little ones myself, I’m here to share everything I know. Let’s do this parenthood thing together!


Toilet Training: embracing the adventure

Embarking on the toilet training journey with your toddler? Prepare yourself with knowledge to make the process smoother and less stressful. Understanding your child’s readiness signs, the science behind toileting, and the importance of encouragement vs praise can transform this challenging phase into a rewarding experience for both you and your toddler.


Looking for more parenting education?

I love providing tips and education to families.  If you are interested in learning more about a blog topic I haven’t covered yet, let me know here.